:: Anas bin Abdul Jalil

Recently, Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has started operations in various restaurants across the capital just after 46 people died in a fire incidence of Green Cozy building at Bailey Road. In continuation of this praised efforts, evacuation campaign to remove temporary/ floating shops on the footpaths of Newmarket area of the capital took place leaded by the OC of New-market police station. Warning & legal action are being taken against minor irregularity or mismanagement found.

In this special campaign, about half a hundred floating shops were evacuated from the area, goods left on the streets were removed and at the same time 15 people were arrested by the Newmarket police station on charge of irregularity & mismanagement. Going to the field, it was seen that thousands of temporary shops occupied the road. Gas cylinders of various roadside restaurants are also placed on the pavement. All in all, it can be a terrible death pit at New Market & Elephant Road area.

Apprehending the danger scopes, a special evacuation operation took place in the evening of Sunday (March 3) leaded by Aminul Islam, officer-in-charge of Newmarket police station. He told- “We are conducting an operation against those who illegally setup shops on busy footpaths, populous market roads or important highways. This operation is being conducted for the ultimate safety of all. We are working here according to the law, 15 people who were obstructing the movement of people on the road & footpath were arrested. At the same time, it is a precautionary measure to maintain a risk-free environment for the safety of the general public”.

Inspector (Investigation) Khandokar Jalal Uddin Mahmud, Deputy Inspector Md. Sajib Mia, Md. Sabuj Mia, Md. Raihan Uddin, Tarek Hasan, Mofizul Islam, Arab Ali and Kamal Uddin Munshi were in the operation team among others.