: Styler Desk Report

As part of regular endeavor, the Pain Congress for 25th time by BSSP, collaborated by IASP was held on 18th February 2024 at Dhaka’s Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel. The daylong event gathered altogether 350 Bangladeshi pain Consultants & top-class consultants from USA, UK, Switzerland, Portugal, Japan, India and Singapore. They presented latest features and introduction of technology on pain management and exchanged their valuable views.

Established in 2022, BSSP has been approved by ESRAPM to conduct ‘European Diploma in Pain Medicine’ part 1 as the centre outside Europe. Earlier part 1 and part 2 exam was held at BSSMU. This year 2024’s centre has also come again in Bangladesh.

BSSP brings Bangladesh Journal of Pain of which first two editions have already been published. BSSP regularly holds seminar, workshop, course, congress, convention & conference. SARPS president & BSSP Secretary General, Professor A K M Akhtaruzzaman said- “with update knowledge, technology and training, we wish to transform our consultants highly specialised in pain management”. The event came to a close followed by gala dinner & cultural show.